
Pacú Fly Patterns

Pacú fishing at Alto Parana lodge is all about exciting sight-fishing opportunities. We use 7 or 8-weight rods, rigged with floating tropical lines, in order to pitch spun deer-hair “fruit patterns” tied on stout hooks, as well as foam, high-floating dry flies and smaller streamers, toward intended targets. Pacú are omnivores, so fooling them on …


Technical Fishing for Golden Dorado

Presentation Depending on the weather conditions and environment requires different presentations. For instance casting close quarters for Dorado in very calm water with little wind when the Dorados are less active requires a very different technique. The angler is required to present the fly with as little disturbance as possible. This means the cast should …


Flip’s Tips for Bonefish

Fly-fishing guru Flip Pallot knows a thing or two about saltwater gamefish. As a former guide and the host of ESPN’s Walker’s Cay Chronicles for 16 seasons, he helped bring angling adventure—across the globe—to the masses. Today, he visitsAbaco Lodge annually for awesome bonefishing on the Marls and to share knowledge, laughs, and good times …


Studies about the Rio Grande

By Bio. Miguel Casalinuovo. Tech. Carlos Luizón began studying salmonids in the Rio Grande system in 2006. He described the basic biology of trout in his thesis with the help of Dr. Miguel Pascual, of GESA. Around the same time, the University of Montana, in conjunction with Dr. Jack Stanford, conducted the first environmental analysis …


What Guides Say: 6 simple axioms for getting ahead in the salt (Part II)

[For more from this series, please see Part I—from January 23] Because guides possess wisdoms acquired during a lifetime on the water, it pays for us to listen. Here’s what the good ones have to say.   “MANAGE YOUR MESS.” In the grand scheme of flats fishing, mismanaged line leads to a lot of blown …


What Guides Say: 6 simple axioms for getting ahead in the salt (Part I)

When the doctor says nix the smokes and dump twelve pounds, you trust he has your best interests in mind. And when your saltwater guide says your “non-conventional” cast has you failing to connect at 30 feet out, you should also conclude the same. Why? Because missing that perfect opportunity at a double-digit bonefish just …


Preparing my Fly Box

In my last blog I talked about myself, more precisely my angling life, and how I’ve dedicated a significant portion of my life to fish and angling. Ah, chasing silver, that’s the life for me. I started with salmon and seatrout here at home in Newfoundland, and later graduated to chasing all sorts of fish …


Introducing myself – Paul Smith

I live in the same place that seatrout swim, well I don’t actually live in the water but I bide my time pretty darn close to it. My house is built on land that’s been in my family for generations and it’s adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean. More specifically, the house itself is built about …


Yule Love It, Holiday Gift Guide

6 must-haves for travel-savvy fly fishers looking to escape With anglers pining to make jailbreaks from winter’s bleak grip, the months between December and spring thaw mark great opportunities to escape. And if you haven’t booked destination trips yet, you’re at least dreaming about walking colorful flats teeming with tailing bones or anticipating blanket mayfly …


Targeting Tararira

Expert tips for fly fishers in search of Argentina’s elusive River Wolf Tararira (Hoplias malabaricus) are native to Argentina and popular among regional flyfishers. Their behavior is comparable to pike or largemouth bass. Mainly living in stagnant shallow waters, they provide great top-water action and are known for their acrobatics. Although tararira are aggressive at …