
First Campaign to Iberá Marshlands

In march 2015 the first campaign was held in southern Esteros del Ibera in order to begin studying the feasibility of work during the following season Furthermore, within 5 days of fieldwork, several actions listed below were made: The first series of fishery data taken by guides from Pira Lodge were collected. The data were taken …


National Parks: A Boon for Bahamas Bonefish?

Posted on April 20, 2015 by Nervous Waters In the U.S., its national park system, launched with the formation of Yellowstone National Park in 1872, now includes more than 400 areas covering about 84 million acres. Hundreds of millions of visitors enjoy these protected lands each year and within their borders, wildlife has been given …


Simon Gawesworth at Kau Tapen Lodge!

If you want to learn to cast like a pro- from a pro, you need to sign up soon. After a week with Simon you’d have to get in your car to get farther away from your fly. From Jan 10-17th, 2015, join jovial host, and champion fly caster and fly fisherman, Simon Gawesworth for …


Join Daniel Galhardo, founder of Tenkara USA, for six days of tenkara fly-fishing in Patagonia from March 5-12, 2015

Tenkara equipment and professional instruction will be provided as we explore the Chimehuin River and the Malleo and Alumine tributaries. Connect with the rivers that put Patagonia on the map for fly-fishing. We’ll be fishing for brown, rainbow, and brook trout. For more information about tenkara fly fishing pleaseclick here or check out our website …


Introducing the first golden dorado tagged at Pira Lodge!

Posted on March 25, 2015 by Nervous Waters >Introducing the first golden dorado tagged at Pira Lodge! The project is taking place in conjunction with National Park Rangers, who are using GPS technology to track fish as they move in and out of the marshlands. Back at the lodge, our guide team records additional details …


A Golden Era

Three dorado lodges add even more variety to our bustling lodge portfolio. And with that variety comes another year of challenge, excitement, new hot spots, and an array of highlights you don’t want to miss reading about.   PIRA LODGE The beginning of the season at Pira Lodge was marked by rollercoaster weather, which kept us all on …


Huge Fish at The End of the World

Our sea trout lodges were blessed with an incredible season opening. River conditions were just perfect and a monster fish was landed during the first week. Good fishing remained, as well as a few more surprises. KAU TAPEN LODGE A week prior to the first guest arrivals, the odd fish was trickling into the mid-stretch of the Rio Grande, where …


Premium Class Service from New York to South Abaco

  A DREAM COME TRUE Bonefish Direct from NYC in 2.5 hrs Welcome to the Northeast. The weather is rotten.  Freezing rain, spring storms, and gray skies dominate the landscape. You need a break, but the Bahamas seem like such a hassle. Connecting flights through Atlanta or Miami just seem like too much fuss to …


See Jim Belushi and Jimmy Kimmel in the trailer of Buccaneers & Bones on Outdoor Channel.

Newcomers Jimmy Kimmel and Jim Belushi catch their first bonefish as they join the cast of Huey Lewis, Yvon Chouinard, Tom McGuane, Lefty Kreh, and Bill Klyn at Bair’s Lodge in South Andros Island in The Bahamas to pursue the treasure of the saltwater flats – the bonefish. – Discover Bair’s Lodge:


The buccaneers returning to the most storied angling destinations.

Posted on December 24, 2014 by Nervous Waters Get ready for a 6th. season of adventure, as the iconic cast of anglers – along with a few new friends – reconvene at Blair´s Lodge on South Andros Island to pursue the treasure of flats. Buccaneers & Bones will debut on Outdoor Channel this Friday at …