Fishing Reports

Villa Maria Lodge – 2020 Season End Report

The 2020 Rio Grande season is officially over, and although cut a bit short, it was certainly a season to be remembered!  We can say, with confidence, that this has been a very special season. Especially when we compare this year’s river flows to the previous season.  December was a very wet month and this …


Kau Tapen Lodge – 2020 Season End Report

A few weeks earlier than expected, we have finished up this year’s season for obvious reasons. The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly become the center of everyone’s lives and has put a hold on international travel in a heartbeat. While this came on unexpectedly for all of us, we are glad that our guests are safe …


Pirá Lodge – 2020 Season End Report

These past months have been the most productive season we have experienced since I started guiding at Pira Lodge. Absolutely amazing doesn’t come close to describing it, and words can´t explain what a great summer it was, and I went by in a blink of eyes.  We enjoyed some of the finest water and weather …


Kau Tapen Lodge Week 10: March 6 – 13, 2020

Another great week of great fishing in tough conditions, complete with ups and downs, strange weather, bright fish, and lots of laughs along the riverbanks comes to an end! We were welcoming a full house of good friends and a few new faces that we soon embraced into the Kau Tapen family. Sandy and Andy, …


Villa Maria Week 10: March 6 – 12, 2020

Our last week of the season has just wrapped up. This week’s weather remained warm and dry throughout this week with some mild upstream wind during the first couple of days which always makes casting a little uncomfortable and makes properly placing a fly, a bit more challenging. After those first few days, the wind …


Suindá Lodge – February 2020

February has come to a close here on the banks of the Paraná, leaving behind some incredible memories and stories for all of our staff, and clients. Some incredible and large Golden Dorado graced our lines and nets this month. Nearly all of our favorite types of structures to fish were holding dorado, and the …


Villa Maria Lodge Week 9: Feb 28 – March 5, 2020

We started our 9th week of the season with pleasant weather, clear river conditions and winds coming out of the North and NE depending on the day. In some pool, the winds made things a little tougher than usual.  But that didn’t matter to Ian & Stuart who, in their first session, landed 7 fish …


Kau Tapen Lodge Week 9: Feb 29- March 6, 2020

Oh my, what an eventful week down here in Tierra del Fuego! This week featured ups-and-downs, good fishing and some tough sessions, and lots of hard work. Overall the week was highly rewarding, with delicious food, amazing sunsets, and new friendships forged on the banks of the Rio Grande. We welcomed a wonderful group of …


Pirá Lodge – February 2020 Fishing Report

February came to a close with some truly spectacular fishing throughout the Ibera Marsh. Plenty of large and healthy Golden Dorado were landed and more are entering the system. This month the weather conditions were on our side, making each and every session on the water memorable and action-packed! We welcomed a wonderful group of …


Villa Maria Lodge Week 8: Feb 21-27, 2020

Week eight at Villa Maria Lodge is in the books with another group of old and new friends.  Continuing the usual patterns of the 2020 season, this week started with tough conditions due to higher flows coming down from the upstream reaches of the Rio Grande. Our anglers stayed motivated and kept at it, and …