Fishing Reports

Kau Tapen Lodge – Week 7: Feb. 18 – 25, 2017

This past week ushered in some variable weather, with light wind to start followed by a nuclear easterly that packed plenty of rain. River levels bounced up and down, which can make for some challenging fishing. However, our guests persevered. Daryl and James had 12 fish to hand by the end of the first day, …


Fishing Report Alto Parana – February 2017

This season the Parana River ran slightly lower than usual for many weeks, so the water has been clear and warm. Those same conditions have helped concentrate dorado in faster, oxygenated riffles. Fish have also been more active in early and later hours. Pira pita and pacu fishing has been a more technical game, requiring …


Villa Maria Lodge – Week 7: Feb. 18 – 23, 2017

This past week we had a mixed group of first timers and Villa Maria Lodge regulars from Iceland and England. In between jokes about the Cold War and Euro Cup football, we experienced some challenging but ultimately high-quality fishing. River flows remained unstable as upstream tributaries continued to raise water levels and alter clarity in …


Villa Maria Lodge – Week 6: Feb. 10 – 17, 2017

Like the last days of the previous week, this fishing week started with some rain in the lower stretch but there were serious cells of rain and snow in the headwaters and the Andes. Its is quite impressive to drive to the river and see all the mountains dressed in white in the middle of …


Kau Tapen Lodge – Week 6: Feb. 11 – 18, 2017

It’s safe to say this has been our most prolific week of the season, so far. And we can back up that claim with an outstanding number of incredible fish brought to hand. Toward the end of last week rain caused the river to blowout and rise with about a foot. By Tuesday the water …


Villa Maria Lodge – Week 5: Feb. 3 – 9, 2017

  The House of Forstinger’s Friends visited us last week. Willy first traveled to Villa Maria Lodge in 1986, so he’s seen a lot and has plenty of amusing stories to tell. And, luckily, the fishing was in tune with all the fun. This was, so far, the most productive week of the season! Weather …


Kau Tapen Lodge – Week 5: Feb. 4 – 11, 2017

Our fifth week at Kau Tapen lodge has come to an end. This time clients from Austria, the U.S. and England experienced some highly variable conditions: three hot, windless days followed by a torrential fourth day, with a ferocious upstream wind. As you can imagine, the river went from very low and clear to high …


Fishing Report Chime Lodge January 2017

  Malleo Waters are low for this time of year and the fish are holding in deeper pools. Late afternoon dry-fly fishing has been productice using caddis (#18) and small adult and spinner mayfly immitations. Rainbows are holding in the tailouts. Browns prefer the riffles and more oxigenated water. Green worms from the willows are …


Kau Tapen Lodge – Week 4: Jan. 28 – Feb. 4, 2017

Week four was made memorable by another awesome bunch of anglers at the lodge. Guests varied from experienced to first timers. Six members of the team caught their first ever sea-run brown trout and a couple caught their first ever fish! Weather was good: very little wind and good cloud cover all week. Fish we’re …


Pirá Lodge: January Report 2017

This year marks one of the best seasons I’ve experienced in the Ibera wetlands. And we couldn’t have asked for a better start. Water conditions are lower than last summer, which has meant great fishing in both marsh and Corriente River zones. Water temperatures have been a fish-friendly 25 to 30 degrees C. And day …