Pirá Lodge

Fly Fishing Trip

Pirá Lodge – End of Season Report 2017

A Year in Review Pira Lodge’s season began with great weather, ideal water conditions, and a remarkable push of dorado. Expectations were understandably high and on the Corriente River they would soon be met and even exceeded. Mixing it up between throwing streams and skating mouse patterns we prospected for players and found consistent hookups …


Pira Lodge – February 2017

February began with good water conditions. The result was 60 golden dorado caught between 3 boats during the first week. Most of the fish were in the 6-10 pound range, but we also found a few 12-13 pounders. Justin S. landed a beauty 14-pounder while Daniel, who shared the boat with him, found an 11-pounder …


Pirá Lodge: January Report 2017

This year marks one of the best seasons I’ve experienced in the Ibera wetlands. And we couldn’t have asked for a better start. Water conditions are lower than last summer, which has meant great fishing in both marsh and Corriente River zones. Water temperatures have been a fish-friendly 25 to 30 degrees C. And day …


Dorado Fly Patterns

In most cases, golden dorado prefer dark patterns that produce great silhouettes in tannin-colored waters. But there are situations when carrying a mixture of brighter colors can be effective. So don’t be afraid to experiment across the color spectrum. All flies should be tied on stout 1/0 to 3/0 hooks. Streamers can be tied from …


Pira Lodge – End of Season 2016

The Dream Season Seasons, just like the name implies, are all about change. Some are challenging, where rewards are hard won. Others are easier, where seemingly every cast comes with the promise of a hard-pulling dorado. Seasons are about weather: Too much rain. Never enough rain. And seasons are about the fish. Where were they? …


Pirá Lodge Fishing Report – March 2016

The rainy season is almost over, water in the marsh is dropping, and fishing conditions are as good as they get. Over the past week, we’ve had success on the Corriente River swinging large streamers on a deep (300-grain) line. Floating lines have also done well, blind-casting to the banks with 2/0 streamers in black/purple, …


Pirá Lodge – February 2016

February started with the best week of the season so far. Water in the marsh was at a perfect level and dorado are concentrated in island side-channels and deep pools near Camalotes. Floating lines with small dark deceiver-style streamers have been awesomely effective. We’re also having success with mouse patterns on the surface in the …


Pira Lodge- January 2016

Since I arrived at Pira Lodge after Christmas, the guides and I have been busy scouting the region in order to find the very best fishing we can find for our guests. Compared to past years, the water is on the high side, but not so high as to be of a concern. We started …


Technical Fishing for Golden Dorado

Presentation Depending on the weather conditions and environment requires different presentations. For instance casting close quarters for Dorado in very calm water with little wind when the Dorados are less active requires a very different technique. The angler is required to present the fly with as little disturbance as possible. This means the cast should …


First Campaign to Iberá Marshlands

In march 2015 the first campaign was held in southern Esteros del Ibera in order to begin studying the feasibility of work during the following season Furthermore, within 5 days of fieldwork, several actions listed below were made: The first series of fishery data taken by guides from Pira Lodge were collected. The data were taken …