Kau Tapen Lodge


January to April

Getting There

Tierra del Fuego, Arg.

Target Species

Sea-run Brown Trout

Kau Tapen Lodge
Kau Tapen Lodge

Kau Tapen was the first fishing lodge on the Río Grande, opening its doors in 1984. Its name means “House of Fishing” in the Ona Language and here, in the heart of the Río Grande watershed, live the best pools on the river.

If the walls of this magnificent lodge could talk, they would tell story after story of battles with huge trout over thirty-plus years. Kau Tapen Lodge embodies the fly fishing experience and to hundreds of anglers, it is their fishing home. On the river, short walks and shallow wading are the norm. Single or two-handed rods are both effective. Skate a bomber over a resting lie, or drift a nymph next to a cut-bank for Sea-Run Trout you’ve only seen in your dreams.

Why Choose Kau Tapen Lodge?

Where it all started.

Built-in 1984, Kau Tapen Lodge was designed to offer rods maximum comfort during their fishing trips as well as easy access to the best pools on the world-famous Río Grande. The lodge accommodates up to 10 guests (and occasionally 12) in en-suite single rooms to ensure privacy and comfort. Kau Tapen has 10 en suite single rooms; some offer a king bed, some have one queen, and others are furnished with two doubles. A large living room opens up to peaceful vistas of the Menendez and Río Grande valleys and includes a roaring fire and a well-stocked bar. The lodge also boasts a tackle shop with an excellent selection of Loop rods, quality fly reels, flies, lines, Simms clothing, and other fishing essentials. In addition, guests have full use of the lodge’s fly-tying table and equipment. Additional Kau Tapen highlights include two wading/fly gear rooms, a full spa with jacuzzi, a sauna, and a Finnish steam bath.

What time of the year should I come?

Kau Tapen lodge is situated in the middle section of The Río GrandeIt has the privilege to be situated just upstream from the confluence of The Río Grande with The Río Menendez. Menendez flows from the south, fed by the cold water of the Andes range with snowmelt, and collects rainfall from a glacial basin. It is the largest tributary of the system bringing up to 30% of the water mass The Río Grande has in its lower stretch. When you spend the week fishing in Kau Tapen lodge, you will fish The Río Grande and Río Menendez as both are included in the lodge’s fishing beat rotations.

January (opening)

Kau Tapen lodge starts its fishing season at the beginning of January. At that moment you will be able to catch medium-sized fresh fish and a good amount of colored-up trophy fish, mainly females, that got into the river in an early run. These big fish enter the river in November and distribute all along the midsection of the river, where Kau Tapen lodge is situated. This run is abundant in numbers and its distribution is uniform in most of the pools. That “older” run plus the fresh running fish set up a great scenario to kick off the season!

In early January the river level is on the higher side, with a nice even speed along the pools but very safe to wade and fish. You will have to cover a lot of water with your flies and learn to feel the subtle takes of early-season sea trout. Throughout January, the river starts to drop its level – in a normal season and with no extraordinary and exceptional rains – and reaches its lowest point during the first two weeks of February. 

February (mid-season)

During February the pools start to flow slower, the water becomes clearer and warmer during the warmest month of the year in Tierra del Fuego. All this leads us to wade and cast carefully, use lighter rods and lines, and longer, thinner leaders. We also start using smaller flies from the first cast of the day as the fish get more skittish and starting with a heavy line with a big profile fly can be counterproductive most of the time. 

By the end of February, our seasonal rains start to arrive. That new water generates a bigger movement of fish, which start arriving from the lower sections of the river. It also prompts the trout that were settled along Kau Tapen’s stretch to start shifting positions and move from pool to pool trying to find better places to sit as they get stirred up by the arrival of new fish. With these rains, the river increases flow and that is something that keeps happening until the end of the season in early April. 

At Kau Tapen, you will experience three big runs of fresh fish: November, the end of January, and in mid-March. By the end of the season, they get mixed with the fish that were already in the stretch. Due to this situation it is very important to fish the heads and tails of the pools in every beat.

The dark-colored big males can be caught with different techniques and flies according to the watercolor and temperature from mid-February to the end of the season. During this part of the season, their level of aggression increases as they start fighting over the fresh, egg-laden, trophy-sized females that are arriving from the lower part of the river.

During the whole season, there is continuous arrival of small to medium-sized chrome fresh fish (3 to 10 pounds). They run in very important numbers, especially after each full moon / high tide cycle.

Late March – April (End of season)

April is the month of the big catches with a higher-than-average size. There is almost no activity with regards to the smaller fish. The water is cold due to snowmelt in the Andes and freezing nights. These seasonal changes mean that early in the morning and late afternoon the fish activity is very scarce. But, around noon and in the early afternoon hours, the activity improves as the water rises in temperature.

April can be a difficult month, as the weather can be tricky. One year can be great and the river be in perfect shape and the next year it can be overflowing with murky water. The prize? If you hook a fish, it’s nearly a certainty that it will be a trophy that will stay in your memory for a long time! 

As far as fishing techniques go, we recommend spey/ two-hand rods no longer than 13 feet. The use of switch and single-handed rods is possible during the whole season, always depending on the wind and the angler’s skills. Any of those rods can be fished with lines ranging from Floating to Type 6, using multi-tip lines. Having a good array of tips from 3 to 15ft is the best option to cover almost every situation.

The Río Menendez

The Menendez is an amazing river! It is not an alternative river anymore and it has gained international respect that competes in reputation with The Río Grande itself. 

The new roads along the river give our guides better accessibility to most of the pools for every client and allow the river to become a permanent fixture in the lodge’s beat fishing rotation. And most of all, it is a pleasure to fish! 70% of the time you will fish it with single-hand rods and light switch rods matched with an intermediate line or tip. We can also say that the fish fight differently when we compare them with The Grande’s specimens due to Menendez’s shallow depth and structure so the fish are able to run fast between deep pockets and underwater structures.

The river experiences less seasonal water level fluctuations than the Grande and they work in a different but complementary way. It is a great option when one of the rivers gets un-fishable due to water level and color shifts after heavy rain or substantial snowmelt. When The Río Grande has a sudden water level increase we can see a massive push of large fish into The Menendez even if it is running with a low level making the fishing an absolute blast.

When we open the season in late December/early January The Menendez runs with a normal to low water level. Around mid-to-late February, its level gets a nice lift due to rains and it keeps that higher level all the way to the end of the season. This is when most of the tributary’s record fish are caught. At this time the river’s flow, depth, conditions, and structure make The Menendez an absolute favorite for the fish, and its pools become overcrowded with trout. The proof of that is the 3 last seasons Kau Tapen’s records were caught in The Menendez and in the second half of the season.

According to the biological studies that we facilitate in the Rio Grande Basin, the radio tagging results showed that this section of The Menendez River and the lowest section of the Grande (Villa Maria lodge stretch) are the principal spawning grounds for the sea trout of the system and where the record-sized males and females are located. 

The wind is not a problem when you have to fishThe Menendez River as the casting distances are short. Ideally, we have to treat it as a spring creek and the best result is when you fish it without stepping into the river and, even better, if you are able to cast from a few steps back from the shore.

The sun can be a problem, especially in the evening as it drops straight in the face of the fish. During morning sessions it’s not such a big problem. Cloudy days and twilight are the best times to approach and fish it. It maintains excellent water clarity through the season and it is not a deep river, so, we have to be extremely careful about casting our shadows into the pools. The river’s morphology and smooth flow make The Menendez a fantastic river to catch sea-run brown trout using less common techniques like dry flies and skated flies. Bombers, Riffle Hitch tube flies, and Green Machines are all great options when the river conditions and the wind suits these techniques. 

Kau Tapen Lodge’s beats offer unbeatable access to the fishing sections of the Rio Grande’s midsection fishery. Here The Menendez and Grande work together according to the seasonal pulses of rainwater, and multiple runs of fish throughout the season. The result is an excellent balance in the angler’s fishing week with opportunities for solid catch numbers, trophy-sized fish, and a great variety of fishing spots and angling challenges.

Guests fly into Buenos Aires, Argentina, and typically overnight there, with a day to spend touring this wonderful city. Arrival day at Kau Tapen is set for Saturday. Commercial airlines fly from Buenos Aires to the airport of Río Grande (RGA), where a lodge representative will meet you after the 3-hour flight. The transfer from Río Grande airport to the lodge takes 30 minutes. Depending on flight schedules, guests can also fly to Ushuaia Airport (USH). From there, the transfers to the lodge takes 3 hours. On arrival at the lodge, guests are welcomed with cocktails by the entire Kau Tapen staff.


The lodge is located on the banks of the Río Grande in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. The success of the fishery on the Río Grande is a modern-day fisherman’s Cinderella story. In just a decade, through access control and catch-and-release regulations, average catch rates have risen from less than a fish a day in the early ‘80s to multiple fish per person, per day. Starting with the opening of Kau Tapen Lodge in the early ‘80s, the Rio Grande has become the most productive sea-run brown trout fishery in the world.

However, trout numbers fluctuate with ocean variables, tides, water levels, and a host of other natural factors. The Río Grande flows west to east from the Andes down to the Atlantic Ocean through approximately 60 miles of Argentine territory. The landscape of Tierra del Fuego is reminiscent of Wyoming or the Scottish low country. It includes sparsely populated wilderness, large sheep farming estancias, and wild herds of llama-like Guanacos, as well as plentiful fox and condor populations.

The Fishing

What to expect on the water.

Río Grande Fishing

Although most of their lives are spent in the ocean, sea-run brown trout seem to retain more of the eccentricities of resident browns than, for instance, steelhead do of resident rainbows. Moody fish, they must be shown flies the way they want to see them at the precise time that they’re ready to take. The Rio Grande isn’t a big river. Thus, it’s compatible with a wide range of techniques; critical since a large sea-run brown trout may demand that a fly be fed to it on the bottom one hour but rise to a skating fly the next. Water levels can change from week to week and they generally drop as the season progresses.

Vary your presentations in each pool fished until you find the right formula of fly, line, drift or swing, and retrieve. Also heed the advice of your guide, whose primary aim is to recommend methods that will help you hook and bring more fish to the net. By and large, the Rio Grande’s sea-run brown trout seem to lie near cut banks during the middle of the day, though in low water they will also lie in the faster necks of pools. They typically move into these areas during the early morning, evening, and nighttime hours.

Generally, “tails in the morning and heads at night” is a good rule. Also look for fish distributed throughout pools on calm, overcast days. On sunny days, one theory holds that sea-run brown trout will take best if they don’t have the sun in their eyes, although this theory, like others, is often affected by the number of fish in a particular pool and the number of “takers.”

Guests will leave the lodge around 9 o’clock after breakfast, and fish until 1 o’clock. Following a big lunch and a siesta (the duration depends on the season), guests return to the river in the late afternoon and fish until dark. Guests will be greeted with cocktails upon their return, shortly followed by dinner. Fishing hours will change slightly depending on the time of year.

The first Brown Trout were stocked in Tierra del Fuego by English angler John Goodall in 1935. Shipped from Puerto Montt, Chile, 60,000 Salmo trutta eggs survived the arduous journey to be planted on the Candelaria and McLennan rivers, both tributaries of the Rio Grande.

These fish eventually found their way to the sea, likely attracted by the rich nourishment found in the brackish estuaries. Sea-run brown trout now complete annual migratory cycles similar to other salmonids, spawning during the fall in freshwater. Juveniles remain in the river for up to four years until their first ocean migration, where they will feed and grow for about 6 months before their first return to freshwater, weighing approximately 3 to 6 pounds. Researchers have found sea-run brown trout that have spawned more than 6 times. A trout that has completed 4 cycles of returning to freshwater can weigh more than 20 pounds. The frequency with which they return to freshwater is also an indicator that the fish face few threats. It’s also an example of the benefits of catch and release.

Fishing equipment

The suggestions that follow are drawn from over three decades of experience fishing the Rio Grande under a wide variety of conditions.

Culinary Experience​

At Nervous Waters, our goal is to deliver a true taste of Argentina.

Our kitchens come to life through the use of fresh and regionally representative meats and products. By combining these elements, we create delicious flavors and varied textures that harbor hidden stories and share dining traditions with each plate. We have curated a top-notch team of experienced Argentine and international chefs, trained in both classic and avant-garde culinary techniques at each of our lodges.

Each meal is prepared with an artisan’s touch and influenced by the earthiness of the surrounding landscape. Sustainability is at the heart of our cuisine and a true connection to nature runs through every dish. To top it off, our guests enjoy each meal in our beautifully designed lodge dining rooms and outdoor lunch experiences. Chefs prepare every dish from scratch to be served at a minute’s notice. Freshness is paramount and perfecting the flavor is our key to success.

All our beef comes from Aberdeen Angus and Hereford steers. It is grass-fed cattle from our Pampas. We carefully select our suppliers, which guarantees the high quality, flavor, and tenderness of our meat. You will enjoy meat cooked on the fire and in several different ways in our lodges and in the field.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day in our lodges. Choices stretch from local free-range Eggs Benedict to organic and healthy breakfast options. We change our menu daily to keep things fresh. Later in the day, our superb lunch and dinner menus are paired with some of Argentina’s—and the world’s—best wines; Bodega Catena Zapata.

In addition to our focus on fresh food with organic origins, we also celebrate our Argentine heritage with a wine partnership that brings truly world-class vintages to our lodges. Our wide selection of finest wines, the best Argentine Malbec from the Mendoza region, and a large variety of other grape selections, are served by a knowledgeable team. We feel that the food we present and the wines we serve should mirror the sporting opportunities we offer—and be the finest available.

At Kau Tapen Lodge, our kitchen is characterized by both classic preparations and modern flavors, offering local and worldwide specialties in a cozy and contemporary setting. No Kau Tapen stay would be complete without enjoying our legendary Asado, like our famous Patagonian Lamb cooked gaucho-style over the open flame, paired with a table of fresh grilled vegetables, salads, and, of course, our house special Chimichurri!

We specialize in creating meals that you will remember for years to come. Fresh over roasted vegetables and baked desserts are the perfect way to warm up during those cold and windy Tierra del Fuego days. Mere miles separate our lodge from the sea, and you’d be remiss if you missed out on our ocean-fresh seafood offerings including King Crab, savory Sea Bass, Black Hake, and freshly plucked mussels. Fresh homemade pasta dishes are always available on our menu and rotate daily.

Of course, every Nervous Water’s meal features our decadent desserts prepared by our in-house pastry chefs. Favorites include homemade ice creams and sorbets, fresh baked cookies, seasonal baked fruit, and rich cakes.

Kau Tapen Rates

Season 2026: December 27th, 2025 – April 18th, 2026

* Prices are in US$ and per person

* Dec 27 - Jan 10

$ $ 12,950

* Jan 10 - Mar 21

$ $ 14,950

* Mar 21 - Apr 18

$ $ 12,950

Rates are based on 7 nights and 6 days fishing, and include single room (subjected to availability) and shared guide.

Fishing Licenses: $595 per person

Non-angler: $650 per night per person

* Saturday to Saturday weeks include:


Not included

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Combine Your Trip

Double down on your sporting adventures and experience all The Kautapen Group has to offer by combining your stay with another of our hunting or fishing lodges.

Our research and experience tell us that over 65% of anglers are also actively interested in bird hunting and big game hunting. If you are a part of that majority and are interested in adding variety to your sporting life, look no further than David Denies Bird Hunting and Red Stag Patagonia. All three brands are owned and operated by the same company, The Kautapen Group, and each operation is dedicated to making your outdoor experience fun, memorable, and productive.

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